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About Germany

Germany is an EU country, sharing its northern border with Denmark, its eastern border with Poland and the Czech Republic, while Switzerland and Austria share the southern border, With France and Luxembourg the southwestern border, and with Belgium and the Netherlands the north-west border, making it the most neighboring country in the EUROPEAN Union with a population of about 80 million, Germany is the largest country in the European Union in terms of population.

Germany follows the federal system, consisting of 16 states with strong powers and special responsibilities such as education, culture and police Germany is the largest economy in Europe, the fourth largest economy in the world and a founding member of the European Union, and participated along with 18 other countries in the construction of the single currency of the European Monetary Union, the euro, which is now the currency in circulation in Germany,

Berlin is the official capital of Germany and the main center of many of its regions, and Berlin is located on the northern side of Germany within the geographical axis between west and east; in 1871 it became the capital of Prussia, but interest in the city declined in 1945.

 Official language in Germany:

The official language of the Federal Republic of Germany is the standard German language, with 95% of the population of the standard German country or one of the German dialects as a mother tongue, which includes northern lower Saxon speakers, a recognized minority language or regional language, but not statistically separate from standard German, and recognized minority languages have an official status in their own regions.

 Currency used in Germany:

The euro is the currency used in Germany, and the country uses coins in its various categories (1 cent, 50 cents, 20 cents, 10 cents, 1 euro and 2 euros).

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