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Study in Germany

If you’re planning to study abroad, Germany will probably be one of your choices whether you want to study one of the most prestigious scientific disciplines known as STEM. Or you are looking for an opportunity to study at reasonable costs, Germany achieves both in a free bachelor’s degree in German public universities, while graduate studies are available at nominal prices, which makes studying in Germany low-cost scientific disciplines not only the interest of international students, human courses and management and business disciplines have also gained a reputation, and many of the courses offered at German universities are not only available in English, studying in Germany will provide you with an opportunity and experience of a country of The most advanced countries, both industrially and technically, while enjoying their unique culture, history and creative nature, offer you a learning platform today, a list of Germany’s most important cities, a destination for students from around the world, due to their access to quality living conditions and leading educational institutions.

Language of study in Germany:

The language of instruction at most universities in Germany is German, and all students studying a study program in Germany must be able to demonstrate a well-established knowledge of German, either by the result of the language test or by taking a preparatory course.

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