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Studying Masters and PhD

Papers required for master’s or doctoral degrees:

1- Original + photo copy of the certificate of graduation for the degree of bachelor’s degree certified by the Egyptian Embassy in the student country.  

2- Original + photo copy of the detection of the marks for the stage of the Bachelor certified by the Egyptian Embassy in the student country.

3- Original + a copy of a certificate of graduation for the master’s degree certified by the Egyptian Embassy in the student country.

4- Original + photo copy of the examination of the marks for the master’s degree certified by the Egyptian Embassy in the student country.

5- A copy of the university letter if the study in the system of the letter is stamped by the university + electronic copy number 2(CD)).

6- A certificate stating the regularity of the student during the period of his study in case the study outside his country is certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country in which he studied.

7- A copy of the passport of the student submitted during his studies, illustrated by the visas for entry and exit during the period of his studies.

8- Original birth certificate certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the student country.

9- A copy of the passport in full from page 1 to page 48 for security approval.

10- A selfie number 12.

11- Power of attorney for the office, who will be handed over its text to the student at the time, certified by the notary and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the student’s country.

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