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About Australia

Short Description

Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, Bordered to the north by the Timor Sea, the Arfura Sea and the Strait of Tours, to the east by Coral Sea and the Tasman Sea, To the south is the Pass Pass and the Indian Ocean, And from the west of the Indian Ocean, It is a whole continent with Canberra as its capital, All of its states use the Australian dollar. Canberra is the capital of Australia, Located at an altitude of 600 m above sea level above the cliffs in the Australian Eastern Highlands, It is about 300 km from south-west Sydney, And 650 km northeast of Melbourne, It has an estimated population of about 332,000, It was chosen as the capital of Australia in 1908 because it was located among the two largest cities: Sydney and Melbourne, And it passes 20-30 latitude south of the equator, And the longitude of 143 East Greenwich.

Australia’s location and geography

It extends from a circle of 44 south to 10 south (about 34 transverse circles) extending from the longitude of 133 east to 178 east (i.e. occupying about 65 degrees longitudinal). It is a large island surrounded by water from all sides. Bounded eastward: Pacific Ocean West: Indian Ocean Bordered southward: Frozen Ocean North: It is separated by the Aravor Sea from the Islands of Indonesia. It consists of a group of islands, the most important of which are: (North New Zealand Island and South New Zealand, next to the small island groups of the Pacific Ocean). It consists of small islands.

Australian climate

An Australian occurrence in the southern hemisphere reverses the seasons with the northern hemisphere. The passage of the Capricorn orbit in the middle of it makes about one fifth of its territory within the southern tropics, The rest is within the semi-dry and temperate regions. But the breadth of the island, The presence of eastern coastal mountain ranges that prevent ocean influences from reaching the interior, they make its climate continental, It’s even desert at home. It is the dominant characteristic of the climate in the most inland part of the island, Deserts may extend up to the coasts, In the West. And the thermal differences between the seasons become very clear, It is more than 18.6°C between the two temperatures of the hottest and coldest months, The heat differences between night and day also increase to more than 30°C.

Australian currency

The Australian Dollar became the main currency instead of the Australian pound in 1966, The currency traded in Australia and the Pacific Island States is Nauru and Tuvalu, Besides Kiribati, The Australian dollar ranked fifth in 2016 as the world’s most traded currency, This is due to Australia’s economic and political stability, Government intervention in the foreign exchange market is limited.

Language and religion in Australia

Australia does not have an official language, but Australian English is the national and popular language of the country, Australian English is similar to English in grammar and spelling, with some notable exceptions. The State of Australia does not have an official religion of the country but the Constitution gives the freedom to belong to any religion or religious group, It also allows the establishment of religious groups freely. Australia does not have an official language, But English is the actual national language, Australian English is the most common language in society, They are similar to English in grammar and spelling with some obvious differences.

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