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About Spain

Officially, the Kingdom of Spain is an EU member state located in south-western Europe in the main Iberian Peninsula to the south and east of the Mediterranean, except for the small land border with the British overseas territory of Gibraltar bordered to the north by France, Andorra and the Bay of Biscay, and to the northwest and west Atlantic Ocean. 

Spanish territory also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the African coast and two autonomous cities in North Africa, Ceuta and Melilla. Moreover, the Spanish municipality of Yiva is situated within French territory.

Spain is a democratic country and Spain is also in terms of nominal GDP, living  standards are very high and (20th on the Human Development Index), and also ranked in the world in 2005. The European Union

The capital of Madrid

It is the capital of the Kingdom of Spain and its largest city with a population of 3.2 million (January 2011),with a population with suburbs of 6.54 million people and an area of 607 square kilometers 234 square miles and located on the banks of the River Manthanares in central Spain, Madrid is the fourth largest city >The European after Paris, London and Berlin has the seat of the Spanish government, the royal family, the country’s most important companies, 6 public universities and many higher institutes, Madrid is one of the most important cities in Europe.. Strategically, culturally and economically

Currency used

The euro is the single currency of the European union countries, which after the US dollar is the second most important currency in the international monetary system.

The advantages of studying

1- There are several things that make students from different parts of the world choose Spain to complete their studies there.

2- Since many Spanish universities are among the top 100 universities in the world, this is a sign of the strength and quality of education in Spain.

3- Higher education in Spain is mostly governmental, with more than 51 universities being a state university (only 27 private Spanish universities).

4- This means that higher education is available to all social groups regardless of material potential.

5- This country is characterized by a high level of education and education, which generates the desire of many students to complete their studies there.

6- The possibility of working in parallel with the study (20 hours per week).

7- Spain’s geographical location and picturesque nature increase the comfort of students and even their speed of adaptation without forgetting the country’s ancient history.

8- Spain has more than 80 universities, most of them public universities.

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