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Studying in Egypt Universities

Short Description

The population of the Republic of Egypt is concentrated in the Nile region and the Delta Valley, and Egypt ranks fifteenth among the countries of the world in terms of the large population density where the number of Egyptians inside and outside reached 100 million, and Egypt has a long history full of students who graduated from its institutions and holds various academic degrees such as bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate, and there are currently thousands of students from more than 100 countries from Asia, Europe and elsewhere. Egypt has a group of prestigious and large universities that seek to develop teaching methods that bring many benefits to students who join them.

Egypt has 35 private universities and 28 public universities, including fivethat have held positions among the best in the world.

Cairo University

It is the second oldest Egyptian university and the third Arab after Al-Azhar University and The University of The Villagers founded in 1908 under the name of the Egyptian University. It was later renamed Fouad I University and Cairo university after the Revolution of July 23, 1952. The university is located in Giza, west of Cairo, and some of its faculties are located in the neighborhoods of Munira and Al-Doki, where the Faculty of Ophthalmology is located, which is part of the university, and is one of the oldest, largest and most famous medical colleges in Africa and the Middle East. This university has been providing education for many years, preparing students to meet challenges, and providing interactive educational tools for them. 

University of Alexandria

It is one of the largest universities in Egypt,and  the third university established after Cairo University and the American University in Cairo and the university dates back to 1938,during the reign of King Farouk. Alexandria University has more than 20 faculties studying various types of social, medical, engineering, sports and other sciences..

Ain Shams University

Ain Shams University is the third oldest Egyptian university,founded in July 1950 under the name Ibrahim Pasha University. I participated with Cairo and Alexandria in accomplishing the mission of Egyptian universities and containing the growing demand for higher education, and the university is one of the most prestigious Arab universities .

Mansoura University

Mansoura University is the largest educational campus for higher education students located in Mansoura. It is located in the west of Mansoura and part of it overlooks the Nile. Established by Law No. 49 of 1972, The University of East Delta was amended in 1973, and the University is the sixth in terms of development. .

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