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UCSI University


UCSI university (UCSI) was founded in 1986 on the principles of boldness, perseverance, integrity and excellence and to serve the Malaysian community primarily and neighboring countries in the second place by offering distinguished disciplines, making it one of the leading institutions in the field of higher education, and its campus locations are located in Kuala Lumpur, Terengganu and Sarawak in Malaysia. Its state-of-the-art colleges offer the best facilities to meet students’ needs, ranging from medicine, pharmacy, nursing, engineering and agriculture, to music, multimedia, education, liberal arts and hospitality.

(UCSI is located south of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, about 10 kilometers away, making it easier for students to get the daily services that each student needs for financial, food, transportation, housing and recreational services.

UCSI is a vibrant community full of education and science. With more than 10,000 students from more than 80 countries, the University will continue to seek knowledge with a strong sense of cultural appreciation, an important characteristic of a world that has reached a point where all boundaries have disappeared.

For more than 30 years, UCSI has been challenging the idea of what education should be like. The University of Southeast Asia was the first to place a mandatory requirement for students to participate in a joint compulsory programme requiring them to complete at least two months of training experience at the end of each academic year regardless of the specialization taught by each student..
This pioneering step soon spread and was implemented and imitated by many other service providers, and in order to stay ahead of the occasion, the University has always sought to develop and add to this feature. Today, the University has about 2,500 collaborative partners and our students consistently have jobs and businesses with the best multinational companies. We always get feedback and express their satisfaction with the level of competence of our university graduates. We were confident that we could do better and that the practicality model would take everything to advanced levels.

School system and language of instruction

The university follows the British school system so that in the first year the student enrolls in the Preparatory Program (Foundation)in the specialty he wishes and is a full academic year.

When a student succeeds, he studies three or four years of study (depending on specialization) after which he receives a bachelor’s degree.

The language of instruction is English so that when the student attends the university is subjected to a placement examination and if he does not pass, he joins the university’s language institute to strengthen several language courses.

Terms of admission

  • Get a general high school diploma or its equivalent.

  • All branches of the high school are accepted according to the conditions of Egyptian higher education for the specialties accepted by each branch.

Study dates

Students can attend university in January, Mayor September. 

Important notes: A student needs to get a one-year foundation before enrolling in a bachelor’s program.

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