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Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy

University of Medicine & Pharmacy ” Carol Davila” Bucharest
Recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities in the List of Romanian Universities

It is a public university in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, founded in 1857 by Carol Davila and then named after the School of Medicine and Pharmacy and was the first school of medicine in Romania. In 1869, she became a university in Bucharest and was first awarded her Doctorate in 1873.

The School of Pharmacy was founded in 1889 and converted to the Faculty of Pharmacy in 1923 .

It is a university specializing in medical sciences and includes four colleges :

( Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Pharmacy College and College of Nurses and Diets).
Carol Davila University is the largest medical university in Romania and has 20 hospitals in Bucharest with a study period of only 6 years.

The university was founded in 1857 in the name of the National School of Medicine and Pharmacy and was the first institute of medical sciences in all of Romania and the university took its name from the name of its founder The Romanian doctor of French origin (or Italian) Carol Davila school of the University of Bucharest and converted its name to the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy and after the reform of education in 1948, the college separated from the University of Bucharest and became called The University of Carol Davila Of Medicine and Pharmacy.

Specialties and tuition fees for one year:

Medicine and dentistry 6000 euros per year

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