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Apply to Malaysia

The required papers

1- The original high school marks are revealed in English and the name in English matches the passport by letter and is certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2- Disclosure of the original high school marks in Arabic certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in case the English secondary school reveal is translated .

3- The certificate of high school completion is certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

4- A copy of the passport is full, including the white pages, and is valid for at least two years.

5- Biometric portraits of color number 6 (white background size 45x 35 mm).

6- Filling out the application and paying the application fee and visa of $715 each

Specialties except medical and music (not recovered under any circumstances).

7- Filling out the application and paying an application fee and a visa of US$844 for medical specialties (not refunded under any circumstances).

8- Filling out the application and paying an application fee and a visa of 792 U.S. dollars for musical specialties (not refunded under any circumstances).

9- Filling out the form of university housing for those wishing to live on campus and paying $340 (non-refundable housing insurance in the event of student objection).

10- Filling out the medical examination form according to the rules and making the medical examinations required for the visa (the form is requested from the office).


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