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Apply to Romania

The papers required for university admission: –

(Two copies of all the papers are original)

  1. The original English-language certificate is certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Romanian Embassy and the name is identical tothe passport by letter.

  2. The original high school graduation certificatein English is certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Romanian Embassy.

  3. Original English birth certificate certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Romanian Embassy.

  4. Certificate of no infectious diseases and AIDS certified by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Romanian Embassy.

  5. Four (4) selfies with a white background.

  6. A copy of the passport the first four pages.

  7. The original national id card (remain with the student for use in Romania).

 The required papers for the Romanian Embassy when applying for a visa: –

  1. Testimony of a criminal newspaper “Fish” in English.

  2. Certificate of disease-free and AIDS in English.

  3. Corona examination certificate in English

  4. A bank statement in English.

  5. Original acceptance paper (from the office).

  6. Original university housing identification paper (from the office).

  7. Pay the preparatory year fee and bring a paper from the bank to prove it.

  8. Health insurance for embassies (from a local insurance company).

  9. Book a one-way ticket.

  10. Pay the visa fee.


Office services towards the student:

1- Securing admission of the preparatory year and university admission after the student has passed the preparatory year.

2- Help with the visa application.

3- Securing university housing.

4- Securing and arranging the course of the student’s journey.

5- Securing your ticket on request.

6- Receiving the student at the airport and completing the check-out.

7- Ending the procedures for registering the student in the preparatory year.

8- Conducting the necessary medical examinations for the student inside Romania.

9- Annual residence procedure for the student.

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