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Ural Federal University

Recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities in the List of Russian Universities

Ural Federal University is one of the largest higher educational institutions in Russia combining basic education with an innovative approach to the challenges of the modern era.

The Ural Federal University is located in the eastern city of Yekaterinburg, located on the eastern slope of the Central Urals, along the banks of Isiti, 1,416 km from Moscow… Two hours by plane.

Our aspiration is to become a world-class university in the heart of Eurasia committed to complex and research-seeking development.

Currently, the university is home to approximately 35,000 students from 80 countries around the world and more than 4,000 faculty members including top-level experts in the fields of natural sciences, engineering and social sciences. We have 17 institutes offering about 400 bachelor’s degrees, master’s and doctoral degrees in natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, economics and available in Russian and some disciplines available in English.

The university has more than 360,000 graduates, and test studies are conducted at 72 research excellence centers. The University is open for international cooperation with nearly 400 partners around the world, and we welcome you to apply at our internationally recognized university.

Medical specialties and annual fees: 

General Medicine English: $3,285 per year.

General Medicine Russian Language: $2885 per year.

 Dentistry: $3,714 per year.

Pharmacy: $2657 per year.

Pediatrics: $2,885 per year.

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