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Conditions for Medicine study

Conditions for studying medicine in Turkey

The faculties of human medicine, dentistry and pharmacy are top colleges in Turkish universities, As the criteria for admission to study there are competitive due to the high demand for medical study in Turkey, Both Turkish students and foreign students. Therefore, the admission rate for the study of medicine in most universities starts from the rate of 90 and more according to the university and its requirements, Some universities may impose a capability test (which contains basicmath and intelligence questions) as a prerequisite for admission, In addition to other conditions, the most important of which is to obtain the required degree in the language examination to be studied at the university, whether English or Turkish. If the rate requirement, which is often not important to most universities at present, is not met, Unless the student receives the Aleus certificate or the sat certificate. We can identify these two tests separately.

First: The Eus exam is an entrance exam for foreign students at Turkish state universities, Without it, the student has very little chance of entering public universities. The word YÖS is an abbreviation for Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenci Sınavı” meaning the examination of foreign students. Students with a baccalaureate (high school in all its branches) can take this exam regardless of their rates. Turkish state universities hold this exam from April annually in all Arab and foreign countries. One of the major universities that hold this exam outside Turkish territory, Istanbul State University is the only university to accept its Eus degree in more than 100 Turkish universities.

The foreign student must take into account that the study of human medicine, dentistry or pharmacy in a Turkish state university is only done after passing the test of the eus or sat and obtaining a high rate that enables him to enter the competition. Students can take the Aleus exam between February and April, The tests may be between April and June, as determined by each individual university. The Aleus exam is an experiment to measure the student’s abilities and is specific to Turkish state universities only, It includes questions in mathematics and intelligence (IQ).

Ii: The sat exam is an American exam, Divided into two parts SAT1 and SAT2, The sat exam is accepted at most universities that study in English, The SAT2 exam is accepted at only one university, Istanbul Technical University, Sat2 should be in mathematics2.

Turkish universities studying human medicine

Turkish universities studying medicine in English:

1- İstanbul University – Cerrahpaşa Tıp Istanbul University.

2- Hacettepe University University.

3- Marmara University Marmara University.

4- Gazi University Gazi University.

5. Yıldırm Beyazıt University University Of Yırdm Bayazid.

6-19 Mays University 19 Mays.

7- Gaziantep University Gaziantep University Gaziantep.

8- İnönü University Anonu University.

9- Atatürk University Ataturk University.

Universities studying the Faculty of Pharmacy in English:

There is no public university that studies pharmacy in English fully, It’s 30 percent english, It is imperative for the student to enter a preparatory year in Turkish.

Universities that study dentistry in English:

1- İzmir Katip Çelebi University of Izmir is a chalabi writer in Izmir.

2- Marmara – 30 English – University of Marmara (30 in English) in Istanbul.

3- Gazi Gazi University in Ankara.

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