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About Turkey

Costs of studying and living in Turkey

The cost of studying and living in Turkey depends on the type of university, whether governmental or private, Housing costs vary according to the student’s desire, whether in the university city or paid apartments, The costs of studying English depend on each university and as follows:

Study costs

The cost of studying in Turkey varies depending on the type of university, There are public universities where study is cheaper than private universities. The cost of studying at Turkish state universities ranges from 250 to 2,500 U.S. dollars per year, The cost of studying at turkish private universities ranges from 3,000 to 16,000 U.S. dollars per year.

Cost of living in Turkey

Housing costs in Turkey vary depending on the city in which the university is located, International students can live in the student cities provided by universities and are cheaper than living in rented apartments with other students. The cost of housing and living ranges from (400 to 600) U.S. dollars per month, including accommodation, accommodation, transportation and food, This amount may increase according to the student himself.

English study costs in Turkey

Turkish language study costs in Turkey starting from USD 400 per month, In addition to other expenses such as housing and food costs, Health insurance and airport pick-up service. Prices vary by chosen Turkish institute, type and duration of the course.

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