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Kabardino-Balkarian State University

Recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities in the List of Russian Universities

Nalchik is one of Russia’s cities in the Russian federal entity and the capital of Tombino-Balkaria, the city south of Russia on the Nalchik River (Thekerc River Basin) close to the Great Caucasus Mountain at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level and away from the Russian capital Moscow 1873.

It has a population of 400,000 people and is one of the quiet and beautiful cities and one of the best and most beautiful cities in Russia in terms of natural and climate and very suitable for foreign demand and less expensive than other cities.

Kabardino-Balkaria Medical University in Nalchik state was established in 1957 and is one of the leading universities in Russia and is ranked among the best universities in Russia. The university is surrounded by scenic sites, including the world-famous Elbrus Chegem Falls and the Blue Lagoon.  In 1966, the Faculty of Medicine was established and the first 100 students were accepted.  The college began accepting international students from all over the world.  

Medical specialties and annual fees: 

General Medicine in English: $2,600 per year

General Medicine in Russian: $2,400 per year

Dentistry in Russian: $2,500 per year

Dentistry in English: $2750 per year

 Other specialties: $1,800 per year (fees may vary slightly depending on the specialty)

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